Sunday 12 October 2008

Do You Ever Feel

Like you need 25, or better still 30 or more hours in a day to get everything done? With school holidays, the shop, sickness and SO much more going on I have just found it hard - which I am sure has something to do with my house cleaner being on holidays.... So I have nothing to show.. just words.. so sorry...

Took some wonderful photos of the kids the other day at Sue-Ann's house... it was good fun... just love snapping.. just have to put them into action now (i just have to find my camera cable so I can upload them to my laptop!). I also was reminiscing and looking through my old photos - so I am "trying" to commit to doing at least 1 page a week using my older and less perfect photos... I will post the results here... so wish me luck!

I have bought a new Sizzix Die Home (build a butterfly #2) and the new Wallflower font - so I am hoping they will help me with my inspiration kick!

I hope that everyone else has had a wonderful week.. i have to thank to some great friends who topped it off on Friday night.... you know who you are... I am STILL recovering... hehe...

Take Care and hope to post some LO's here soooon....


PS - Georgia... not sure if you are a follower or not - but where is my invite to your blog... hahaha... :-p

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