Saturday 23 February 2008

Where Does TIme Go??

Just wondering if anyone can sympathize? I have REALLY had one of those weeks. With my DH away in the USA (very jealous) for 10 days we all all managed to get the flu... Cooper first - then me and today Kaiya.. Everyone is grumpy and it just seems to be hanging on. Cooper seems better today - but we will wait and see!! And when you are sick - everything seems harder... everything seems to go wrong... the house just never seems to be clean... BUT.. such is life - it will all be better when we are... (well thats what I keep telling myself anyway..)

Though with DH away this week my goal was to actually get some scrapping done - and I did!! Sick and sleep deprived (often when I do my best work). I finished the new layouts for Step 1, and Finished an Easter Canvas using Making Memories Garden Party... nice.. A preview is below - will be running it as a class in March... so get your photos ready...!!

I also got started on another Canvas using the Yummy Tim Holtz Crackle Paint and Grungeboard... mmm can't wait to finish it!!

On another note - Kaiya started School 3 weeks ago (omigod) and this week went to 5 half days.. what a nightmare - especially while we are all sick!! Here are some photos of her first day at school - she LOVES it... wants to go every day - even weekends! We will see how long that last for though! If you see her in the shop running around she will always have a chat to you about her day at Kindy - she is very proud of herself and loves her uniform...

And finally... I am very VERY happy to say that my DH got me the one thing that I wanted from the USA... an Apple iPhone... YEAH! I am sure it will be my new best friend... :-) Can't wait to use it when he gets home... He has been on a wild goose chase to get me the 16gb - because for anyone who knows me - I have to have the latest and greatest!!

Okay - so I better get to finishing the March Timetable... each month just rolls around so fast!!

Hope you all have a good weekend!!


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